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Mishnayos Kesuvos Perek 2 Mishnah 6

כתובות פרק ב׳ משנה ו׳


In a case where witnesses testify that there are two women who were taken captive, and this woman says: I was taken captive but I am pure, and that woman says: I was taken captive but I am pure, they are not deemed credible. And when this woman testifies about that woman that she is pure and vice versa, they are deemed credible.

שְׁתֵּי נָשִׁים שֶׁנִּשְׁבּוּ, זֹאת אוֹמֶרֶת נִשְׁבֵּיתִי וּטְהוֹרָה אָנִי, וְזֹאת אוֹמֶרֶת נִשְׁבֵּיתִי וּטְהוֹרָה אָנִי, אֵינָן נֶאֱמָנוֹת. וּבִזְמַן שֶׁהֵן מְעִידוֹת זוֹ אֶת זוֹ, הֲרֵי אֵלּוּ נֶאֱמָנוֹת:


שתי נשים שנשבו – that there are witnesses that they were taken captive.

שמעידות זו את זו – each one of them says, “my companion is pure.”

הרי אלו נאמנות – for with a captive woman, they were lenient to declare fit one witness, and even a slave and even a woman and even a minor who makes a statement in ignorance of its legal bearing, and as long as the witness testifies that he did not leave from her from the time that she was taken captive until the time that she left from the domain of the heathens (see also Tractate Yevamot, Chapter 16, Mishnah 7 and more crucially, the earliest of Mishnah texts, Tractate Eduyot, Chapter 6, Mishnah 1, especially the words of Rabbi Yehuda ben Baba).

שתי נשים שנשבו. שיש עדים שנשבו:

שמעידות זו את זו. כל אחת אומרת חברתי טהורה:

הרי אלו נאמנות. דבשבויה הקלו להכשיר עד אחד ואפילו עבד ואפילו אשה ואפילו קטן מסיח לפי תומו. ובלבד שיעיד העד שלא פירש ממנה משעה שנשבית עד שיצאה מרשות הגוים: