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Mishnayos Yevamos Perek 2 Mishnah 2

יבמות פרק ב׳ משנה ב׳


If there were two brothers, and one died, and the second entered into levirate marriage with his brother’s wife while he was already married to another woman, and subsequently a third brother was born to them, and the second brother then died, whereby both of his wives happened before the third brother for levirate marriage, then the first woman, who was the wife of the first brother, is exempt due to the fact that she is the wife of a brother with whom the third brother did not coexist, and the second woman, who was the first wife of the second brother, is exempt due to her rival wife. If the second brother had performed only levirate betrothal with her and then died before fully marrying her, the second woman performs ḥalitza and may not enter into levirate marriage, as the levirate betrothal is not considered a sufficiently valid marriage so as to render her the rival wife of a relation forbidden to the third brother. Rabbi Shimon says with regard to the first clause of the mishna: The third brother either enters into levirate marriage with whichever one he wishes, or he performs ḥalitza with whichever one he wishes. Since he was born after his second brother had already entered into levirate marriage with the first brother’s widow, she is considered the wife of a brother with whom he did coexist, not the wife of a brother with whom he did not coexist. Therefore, he may enter into levirate marriage with her.

שְׁנֵי אַחִים וּמֵת אֶחָד מֵהֶן, וְיִבֵּם הַשֵּׁנִי אֶת אֵשֶׁת אָחִיו, וְאַחַר כָּךְ נוֹלַד לָהֶן אָח, וָמֵת, הָרִאשׁוֹנָה יוֹצֵאת מִשּׁוּם אֵשֶׁת אָחִיו שֶׁלֹּא הָיָה בְעוֹלָמוֹ, וְהַשְּׁנִיָּה מִשּׁוּם צָרָתָהּ. עָשָׂה בָהּ מַאֲמָר, וָמֵת, הַשְּׁנִיָּה חוֹלֶצֶת וְלֹא מִתְיַבֶּמֶת. רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן אוֹמֵר, מְיַבֵּם לְאֵיזוֹ מֵהֶן שֶׁיִּרְצֶה, אוֹ חוֹלֵץ לְאֵיזוֹ מֵהֶן שֶׁיִּרְצֶה:


ומת – the levir who married the wife of the brother who died without issue.

מיבם לאיזו שירצה – and she exempts her [co-wife] colleague, and this does not refer to performing a statement of intention [of levirate marriage] , but rather, it refers to the first clause [of the Mishnah], as it is taught, the first is prohibited, etc. and as Rabbi Shimon states for since he was born, she had already had a levirate marriage performed on her and she did not have on this one the levirate relation through the marriage of his first brother ever, she is permitted to him, but the Halakha is not according to Rabbi Shimon.

ומת. המיבם:

מיבם לאיזו שירצה. ופוטרת חברתה. ולאו אעשה בה מאמר קאי, אלא ארישא קאי דקתני הראשונה אסורה וכו׳, וקאמר ר״ש כיון שכשנולד כבר נתיבמה, ולא היתה על זה בזיקת נשואי אחיו הראשון מעולם, מותרת לו. ואין הלכה כר״ש: